A collection of photos that didn't quite make it into a specific theme...
There are 11 photos in this week's "CAM" and one guest photo.
Click on the image for a larger view.
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Amazing beauty you have shared each and every picture is a lovely story.
Oh, this is a perfect capture.The clouds are lovely too...
Thanks Pauline and Sheila - comments are always appreciated. Keep up the good efforts on both your blogs.
'Til next time...
Looks up into the sky...
"I'm still waiting for my knight in shining armor from you and Lyn, and oh yeah- my card."
*laughs* I love you both. Know that I could care less about the card, you both make my day just in thought my friend.
Hi Callie - thanks for stopping by... The "Knight" will have to be our very own brand of liqorice, but the card, whale tail and calendar of unique NZ icons should be there any day...
Catch you next time...
Pete and Lyn-
Ya gotta know you both had me crying at work...Yeah...crying....at work... The card, the necklace, the calander.....PRICELESS! and they arrived on this day when my world is just in shambles.....craziness and heart aching craziness..... This ............I am speechless.... It warms my soul from the deepest part of me...
Thank you so much! It's all beautiful, and just....*tears* thank you.....
Thanks Maria-Reus for stopping by and for your comment. I surfed by your blog and was amazed at the Carnival photo's. Truly spectacular.
Take care...
Beautiful landscape!
Thanks Pablo
Great new blog you got there...
Thanks for stopping by.
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