Friday, July 04, 2008

men at work - Cam Theme - 36

this theme -

" Men at Work"
is a mix of people I've come across and seen on my travels.

Just outside Woodville on State Highway 1 - traveling north towards Napier - on the right hand side - you'll find this Monster.

Driving down the road, the blue and white picnic sign beckons you to take a stop.
You look in the rearview mirror, indicate and bring the car to a fast stop under a shady tree. The unmistakeable solid black trailer with dayglo green signage piques your interest...
Then you see the menu... What! out here in the middle of nowhere - a trailer 'restaurant'.
Not just any burger mind, these are true gourmet versions where the juices run down your arm.

Simon Moss is the proprietor of this fantastic new venture -

If you miss it you've lost out on a good thing.

and the evidence of the best hamburger I've ever had - with great coffee to go...

mobile eftpos is also available if you don't carry cash...

men at work -

roadies as we call them here

men at work - I didn't ask these guys if I could take the photo:

first off - there were two of them
secondly - they both had chainsaws

it's actually the tree stump carving project at the Napier golf course, where four 'artists' carve out figures related to golfing from the stumps along the fence...

men at work - shepherd

driving round the corner I met this farmer herding his sheep on the tar

men at work -

dragging in the boats with a tractor at the end of a busy day

men at work - another aviator refueller

the first time I saw this happening... I did a double take, turned the car around and took the pic.

the plane lands and taxi's up to the lone pump - out jumps the pilot, who does a self service before flying off again - amazing...

men at work - garbage man

taken by my lovely wife as we sat people watching from the comfort of our car

Thursday, July 03, 2008

men at work - house removers

an uncanny scene of seeing all this action to move a house! on the back of a large truck trailer

men at work - ambulance officers

I missed the perfect opportunity to snap these guys taking a much deserved break - crossing the road with cups of take away coffee

but the lighting and reflection make for an interesting pic nonetheless

men at work - jet fuel pump jockey

men at work - truck driver doing his 'thang...'

This is a photo by Sharon Warthmann -

Marsa Alam - Egypt, June 2008

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